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March Newsletter

The theme of this month’s newsletter is twofold: the power of movement and the power of music. Put them together, and you sometimes have magic. I hope that’s what we’ll create at IN Day this month, on March 16 from 1:00 – 2:30 pm, as we enjoy Zumba. For those of you who don’t know, Zumba is an exercise program set to music, usually with a Latin theme. It should be a lot of fun, and I hope you’ll be able to join us.

This month’s newsletter has a couple articles related to music and/or movement, but overall it’s pretty eclectic. We start off somberly, with Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria by Dilek. She describes what happened during the earthquake and ensuing aftershocks and has suggestions for how you can help if that’s something you’d like and can afford to do.

Shirley, in her article How Friendships are Important for Health talks about movement in a way – movement out the door! She tells us how important relationships are to her state of mind, especially the groups she attends through International Neighbors.

Robyn, in her article How the Hiking Group Helps Me Get Ready for Spring, pays tribute to IN’s Hiking Group, which helps motivate her to walk and enjoy nature and friendship as the weather turns warmer.

Trumpeter Swans at Gallup Park

Gina’s contribution, Music, talks about the therapeutic nature of music; not just music therapy, but the benefits of listening to music on your own or with friends. She goes on to describe how playing an instrument may be even more beneficial, because you create the music yourself.

Finally, my article, Music for Comfort and Inspiration, describes how my late husband and I both turned to music, for both similar and diverse reasons.

In media news, we are now on Instagram! Follow us at internationalneighborsaa. Take some time to check it out.

Hopefully I will see you at IN Day, March 16 from 1:00 to 2:30. We have a different location for this meeting; we’ll be downstairs instead of up. Please join us as we Move with the Rhythms of the World - Zumba for all ages and abilities! Bring a dish to pass if you have time.

Happy Spring!


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