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A Fond Farewell and Thank You!

Open House 2021

Andra Bostian Ferguson has devoted five years to International Neighbors as President. She has brought great energy to the role and has exemplified good leadership every step of the way.

Little did she know when she accepted the position that she would be called upon to lead IN through the pandemic, a daunting task at best. A whole new scenario presented itself: board meetings via Zoom! We all rose to the occasion with Andra forging the way. International Neighbors has emerged in one piece following those years of modifications and we have Andra to thank for that.

So, from all of us at International Neighbors, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you, Andra! We look forward to seeing your smiling face leading the Let's Make Music group at future IN Day gatherings!

Let's Make Music Group in March 2022

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We are not affiliated with any religious or political group. International Neighbors is not a social service agency. We do not offer advice on such subjects as taxes, financial and legal affairs or passports and immigration.

International Neighbors of Ann Arbor

We are a non-political, non-religious, non-commercial organization that welcomes ALL women from ALL nations with friendship, love, and respect. We stand with our newcomers and longtime members, as good neighbors do, and support them in times of need.

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