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Nominating Chair

By Gretchen

At the IN Open House in Gallup Park

As of April 20, there are three open positions on the board: Tea Group Coordinator, Ambassador Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator. Robyn is stepping down in her role of Tea Group Coordinator and the board thanks her for her many years of service. Gretchen will no longer be Volunteer Coordinator. This board position has undergone some changes since its inception and will be reviewed by the board in the near future. 

Lianne has resigned as Discussion Group Coordinator and Gretchen has accepted the position, which was approved by the board at the March meeting. Thanks to Lianne for her work in that role.

Maja is stepping down as Ambassador Coordinator. Many thanks to Maja for her leadership this past year. The job description for this position will also be reviewed by the board in the near future. It’s possible that attendance at board meetings may become optional.

Currently, I am seeking a candidate for the position of Tea Group Coordinator. The search for Volunteer Coordinator and Ambassador Coordinator will begin after the board review of the positions.

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