Yoshi, Yoko, Chiaki and Mio
March 21, 2022 was the first in-person International Day in 2 years! 65 women came to meet and share stories and laughs. The Music Group sang two songs, one by John Lennon called “Imagine” in honor of Ukraine, and one ancient Japanese song called ‘Sakura’ which means cherry blossom in celebration of spring.
The International Day Committee made the room look so welcoming and pretty and also provided snacks. We are not yet sharing homemade foods made by members but hopefully that will happen soon.
I saw the joy in so many women’s faces as they talked to each other. To see so many different countries represented in one room made me feel proud to be part of IN.
I hope you all come to our April and May IN Day meetings where we will have dancing and songs from the Music Group, and snacks to share. The dances will be from Iran, also some Zumba, how fun will that be?
This is a good time for us all to remember how important each of us is in helping others feel important and welcomed no matter where we come from. We women have the power to change the world and International Neighbors is a great place to start!
Our next International Day is April 21st, from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church – 1501 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor Mi. 48103 – we will meet in the Gathering Room on the second floor.
We hope to see you then,
Andra – President