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How the Hiking Group Helps Me Get Ready for Spring

By Robyn

I'm a fair weather walker. I watch my neighbors walk their dogs in the ice and snow and am glad it is not me. Although I live next to the Arboretum, I don't set foot in it during the winter months. Brrrr!

But everything changes in the spring when new life comes out everywhere. Snowdrops are usually the first to bloom. It makes me so happy to see these cheerful white flowers and realize that winter is coming to an end. And that's when I became a regular in the Hiking Group. This friendly group is coordinated by Melissa and meets every Monday morning at 10:00 am. Every week is different. In March you can see our native trumpeter swans in Gallup Park with their black beaks. They leave when the weather gets warmer. And it is anyone's guess when the Grandmother Japanese weeping cherry tree in the Arboretum will be in full bloom in the spring. It's a magnificent sight.

Snowdrops are early bloomers

Sometimes I need a little motivation to get out the door on a cool spring morning. The Hiking Group gives me the chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones while getting fresh air and exercise. There is something magic about starting out the week this way, and I believe it gives me energy for everything else I have to do. We are so lucky to have these wide green spaces in Ann Arbor.

Trumpeter Swans

If you are interested in trying out the Hiking Group this spring, you need only sign up on the International Neighbors website. We look forward to welcoming you to our next walk.

Grandmother Japanese Weeping Cherry Tree

All images by Robyn

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