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Welcome to our September 2023 IN Newsletter!

Updated: Sep 10, 2023

Hello International Neighbors Members:

Eleanor Roosevelt once wrote, “Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water.” After three years of an incredibly challenging pandemic, it was so very special to see everyone in person and celebrate our collective resilience at our May International Neighbors Day.

Our lunch together also allowed us to honor the Founding Mothers and to recognize their sheer impact on our organization based on a simple mission, “to extend friendship and assistance to women from other countries.” A mission that has meant so much to me and has truly stood the test of time. I would also like to recognize out-going President Andra Bostin Ferguson for her dedication and leadership the past five years, as well as the International Neighbors Board, group leaders, and each and every member who has dedicated their time to preserving our legacy. Your ongoing work to advance the Founding Mothers' vision makes International Neighbors what it is today.

As your incoming President, I want to share my top 3 goals for the year ahead and ask for your support:

  • Finalize Our Membership Foundation. Now that we have an improved website (thank you Rebecca Dray and Andra) we want to continue our work to establish a clear picture of our active membership, demographics, and updated database with the purpose of improved communication and servicing the needs of those who treasure International Neighbors the most.

  • Focus on Recruiting New Members. We have established an International Neighbors Outreach Committee to help create recruiting kits, reach out to local organizations (i.e., universities, global corporations, community associations, etc.), as well as challenge you to spread the word to others who would benefit from our diverse and dynamic community. This will include an invitation to “bring a friend” to an upcoming International Neighbors Day from your personal network to introduce them to our organization and get involved.

  • Thoughtfully Balance Our Cherished Traditions with New Ideas. While we don’t want to lose the time-honored traditions and ways we celebrate each year, I also want to prioritize “listening” for what will make International Neighbors the most impactful for the next 65 years. This Fall I would like to engage in various listen and learn sessions across the organization. Your suggestions will help guide social events, support activities, establish new groups, and identify any gaps to increase our relevancy and enhance your enjoyment in the months to come. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out directly to me with your ideas.

Please also mark your calendars for our annual International Neighbors Day Open House at Zion Church on Thursday, September 21st from 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Thank you for your perseverance and commitment to International Neighbors. I am most grateful for your friendship, support and look forward to an incredible International Neighbors year ahead.

Most sincerely,

Veronica Hannah

President, International Neighbors

To make it easy for you to find your next IN group, here is the “2023/2024 Groups List” - it lists all the In groups, when they meet and a short description of what they are about.

If you are new to International Neighbors or new to our website, you will have to register first. It is an easy process and we have instructions on how to do it in “How to Register on Our Website”.

We also have instructions on “How to Join IN Groups”. Make your choices and enjoy your new groups!

Dale prepared an article with some of the "History of International Neighbors": How it came about, the people who worked building it up, the changes and what endures after so many years.

Last May, during the IN Annual Membership Meeting, we were reminded of how many wonderful ladies we have in our membership and Marcy decided that it is past time for us all to get to know them. Read her “Meet Mary S. Longtime Member of International Neighbors”

We lost one of our wonderful ladies this year. Read Shirley’s “Remembering Janna Hossain.”

Our friend and IN member Amy S. let us know about the “Fall 2023 Festival of Asian Music”, which she is helping to organize. Starting this month, there will be several concerts, roundtable discussions and master classes free for the public. Mark your calendar!

Carole W. is looking for volunteers. Are you ready to lead a group? Get the information here!

See you on September 21st!

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